My name is Roger Hutton, master taxidermist, owner, and sole instructor of the Hutton Valley School of Taxidermy. I have been continuously doing taxidermy for over 50 years
I've presented many seminars and guided many taxidermist friends in the field of taxidermy. I also was a pioneer in the establishment of the Iowa Taxidermist Association and remain an active charter member. I have dedicated time and talent throughout the years on Association committees to put on the annual show and competition, as well as the Board of Directors and have held all officer positions at one time or another. I continue my own professional education through taxidermist publications and seminars at the state, national, and world conventions. Although I have won my share of awards in many competitions over the years, it is my primary goal to get you started in your career as a respectable professional Taxidermist, or teach you the trade for an enjoyable hobby. Either avenue you decide to take your training, you will produce solid, top quality commercial taxidermy art that you will be proud of and the owners of your mounts will brag about. Since class sizes are purposely kept small - only FOUR students per class session - you will benefit from as much close, individualized instruction as you need to assure that you gain the knowledge and skills necessary to meet your own goals, as well as help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in order to use your artistic wildlife talents. The small class environment also allows me to share tips and procedures of the trade that cannot be fully gained from videos or manuals alone. This better prepares you to successfully preserve wildlife and hunting/fishing experiences through the pieces you will mount. All specimens and supplies are furnished with the class and included with the cost of tuition. There are no hidden charges or extra costs after you get to class. Of special note to military veterans, the school is qualified for the GI Bill Assistance program. Upon graduation, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. However, your training does not stop when class is over. You will continue to receive personal technical support when you begin to produce mounts at your own home or business for as long as you need it in the categories of species for which you have trained. |
Copyright 2025 Hutton Valley School of Taxidermy |